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New York

Gaming industry insiders say cutting-edge graphics cost too much to make for AAA games


Speaking to The New York Times, several game developers and some industry figures spoke out about how the gaming industry’s AAA studios couldn’t reasonably handle the stress of creating cutting-edge graphics— particularly in light of major waves of layoffs throughout the past two years, and several high-fidelity AAA games underperforming in the market. Even live service games, which are known to be cash cows when successful, are noted to be a mature market and thus a dangerous investment, particularly when end users tend to despise particularly greedy live service business models.

As former Square Enix executive Jacob Navok noted to The New York Times, “It’s very clear that high-fidelity visuals are only moving the needle for a vocal class of gamers in their 40s and 50s. But what does my 7-year old son play? Minecraft. Roblox. Fortnite.”

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